Sunday, June 17, 2007

More new pictures

Here's what I've noticed Josh doing these past few days.

  • Moving his hands and fingers a lot.
  • Grabbing at things, including my hair!
  • "Talking" - coos, gurgles - lots of sounds that aren't crying!
  • And my favorite - he's starting to smile - not really full smiles yet, but little half smiles and even 3/4 smiles. I am so excited about this! He is SO cute!

Pictures below are all at Mom and Tim's house. The last picture is Josh and Roger (Chris and Miriam's son). I'm pretty sure they are second cousins.

Father's Day

Sunday, June 10, 2007

I like to make faces...

and my mommy likes to take pictures of me! (Pictures taken 6/9/2007).

Today we went for a ride in the Explorer (Chantel, Jerrud, Josh, & Mark) to test the new GPS that we gave Mark for his 16th birthday. Afterwards, we had dinner at an Italian restaurant in Murphy - our first dinner out at a restaurant as a family! Mark passed his driving test this week and got his license, so he drove over to our house on Friday for the first time.

Play Gym - gift from Lennox co-workers

Here are some pictures of Josh on his Bobby Play Gym, which was a group gift from Chantel's Lennox co-workers. In the background of some of these pictures, you can see a lot of baby "stuff" - a travel crib (for naps in the living room), Josh's stroller, a giant box of baby wipes from Sam's. (Pictures taken 5/29/2007.)

More 1 month pictures

Here are some more pictures from Josh's one-month birthday. The little outfit he is wearing in these pictures was a special gift from Aunt Millie.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Josh is 1 month old today!

I took some 1 month old pictures today. Here are my favorites.